
My three year olds color problem.?

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My 3 year old is very intelligent, he knows his alphabet, counting and even how to spell and almost write his name but for some reason he does not know any of his colors. i work with him on it everyday but he just doesnt catch on. i really do not think he is colorblind because he can match colors(blue with blue etc.) does anybody know what the problem could be or how i could help?




  1. My son, too.  I gave up, no problem.  And of course he was diagnosed as color-blind in kindergarten.  Didn't have to tell me and Dad that!

  2. does he have a favorite candy? i he does than get a piece of paper color it than label it. if he gets it right than give him one piece of candy.

  3. Still is worth to check this :

  4. My daughter is 2 1/2 and knows most of her colors but sometimes she just doesn't feel like it and calls everything green for a couple days (her fave color). Try and make it more fun like when you're grocery shopping the banana is yellow, the orange is...well orange, the lettuce is green etc. I just constantly talked about colors to her (which I think is one reason she tunes me out when she gets tired of it lol) Try making it a part of your day and not a stress related thing where you quiz him. Lay back a little and tell him and if he likes to repeat have him say it or hold a second item and ask what color it is right after you've told him. And matching colors doesn't mean he's not colorblind b/c most colorblindness just means the color seems faded to him so something like violet is just another variation of blue to him but he would still be able to match it to the variation of blue in front of him.

  5. Color blind does not mean he would see no color.  He would be able to reconize similar ones.  But telling the difference with blue or green could be hard.  Also try red and orange.

  6. maybe he's color blind...take him to the eye doctor to check

  7. Rule 1:  Don't get frustrated and/or scared.

    Rule 2:  Keep working at it.  Past people have said start associtating the colors with something the child likes.  My 5 year old is in special ed and has been diagnosed already having mild learning disiabilities (for his daddy, that is scary enough, I'm punishing myself because I feel why couldn't have I figured it out sooner and done something more, but that is a different subject).  Anyways, colors is something he does really well now and what we do now that he has them associated pretty much, when we go out or whatever we point to things and have him say the colors.  We also do this with parts of the body and he knows his eyes, nose,mouth, hair, teeth, etc and what he does with them.  I hope this help and good luck.

  8. Have you tried to relate the color with an object or feeling....Just a thought.

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