
My throat was slashed in a local shop the man was charged am i able to get a copy of the cctv footage?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Scotland! The reason im wondering is because im not sure how it managed to happen as the man got me to the floor! The police have the video but ive never been shown it even though the man was charged! Any help would be great thanks!




  1. of course you have to , ur throat just got slashed! ask the police.

  2. not sure why u want to see it but yes u  shud be entitled to see it hope ur ok and that *** hole gets a long time in jail  

  3. you just want proof to show your a man.

    goto the station and ask for it or threaten to blow the place up

  4. yes u can, was it brought before a judge?? in a court r even a did a P.C. or justice of the peace sign a summonse 2 get that guy arrested??, or if there was a claim involved then u have the freedom of information act. enquire about your rightes as quickly as possible, the information is there, and its yours, u just have 2 go get it!!!

  5. You wouldnt be able to get a copy as for reprisals, the only way you would be able to view it is to identify the person who attacked you

  6. should be able to. for evidence

  7. maybe you could ask the police if you can see it. as the victim they be sympathetic.

  8. Hire an attorney.  If you sue the scumbag who did that to you, you can get a hold of the tape as evidence.

  9. did you die?

  10. Speak to the policeofficer in charge of the investigation.  

  11. What a horrible thing to happen to you.

    I'm afraid 'swede' is right though, I don't think it would make much difference whether the offence occurred under English or Scottish law. The tape is evidence for the Crown or in your case the procurator fiscal to bring to court as a prosecution tool.

    Once you get the court case out of the way and time for any appeals the defendant may put forward on conviction/sentence, you may be able to get a copy of the tape.

    Make sure you place a claim with CICA for your injuries!

    Good luck

  12. You are using the USA url Yahoo........I think maybe you should use United Kingdom

  13. If you are suing, then there is no reason you should not get a copy.  For civil courts a copy should be adequate.

  14. Servin officer - u wont get a copy until at least 6 months after any court case finalised just in case theres an appeal from  either side. U may not get a copy then either unless you need it for a legit purpose such as a claim u make in the civil court for damages...........get a solicitor onto it after criminal case finalised..........

  15. You will proberly find it on 'YouTube', everything else seems to find its way on

  16. no you cant see it.. your just a witness in their investigation because in this country its the police who actually charge him not you, and also because you might want revenge..

    personally i think you should be allowed to see it!!

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