
My toddler ate cat p**p!!! What should I do??

by  |  earlier

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We were playing (well, I was sitting.. I'm 33 wks pregnant) outside and my son wandered over to the grassy area. He had been playing on the driveway. Anyways, all of a sudden I hear him saying, 'Dirt, Dirt' and I look at him and he's got brow 'dirt' all over his hands and mouth and is making a face like, YUCK (of course!). When I get to him, I see that it's not dirt.. but cat p**p in the dirt!!!! I was mortified. I immdeately brought him in, washed his hands, face and mouth. I attempted to wash his mouth out by by that time there wasn't much in there. I called my pediatrician but had to leave a message and I should get a call by the end of the work day. This cat does belong to us but it's never been treated for anything. I'm so worried about parasites and worms!!!EWWWWWW!




  1. You'll need to get your cat tested and your son might need antibiotics, but you might induce vomiting unless it's too late. Maybe give him so exlax to push it through his system fast.

  2. Yuck!  Don't panic, he will be fine.  You certainly have my sympathies......  As the first answer said you may want to call the ER for advise just to ease your mind, but honestly when my kids were little they probably ate worse than cat p**p.  

    Thanks for the smiles.  And just think of the stories you will have to tell when he gets older and you can embarass him in front of his friends.  LOL

  3. I don't know if they can help, but I would consider calling poison control.  They may know something extra that you could do until the doctor calls you back.  You could also call your local ER and ask for one of the triage nurses.  They'd be able to tell you if its something urgent that he needs to get preventative treamtent for.  I honestly don't really know much about toddlers eating cat p**p.  Its definitely not something they teach us about in parenting class, huh?  lol

    National Poison Control Center  1-800-222-1222

  4. depends on how much he had. it's probably nothing, just wash up. try the link, it talks about what happens if dog eats p**p, but maybe you can relate. You can also check out other parts of the website.

  5. it all depends on what your cat eats. I dont think it would have perasites or worms though.See a doctor or nurse.

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