My son is 2 1/2 & is overall a very good child. He listens well (most of the time) & I teach him right from wrong. He get's time out's if he misbehaves. Anyways, when I take him to a toddler group he sometimes (not always) will hit other children. I especially notice it if they're sitting close to him or go near him. It's generally when they have a story time & we're sitting in a circle & he'll start hitting kids near him. I'm not sure if he's just bored or something. I've repeatedly told him we don't hit & I've talked to him even before we go there. Anyways, the last time he did it I told him if he did it again we were going to leave. He did, so we left in the middle of the story time. I'm just wondering WHY he's like this & what I can do to stop it!!! THANKS!!!