
My toddler is out of control what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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He hits he bits he is mean. I have tried the corner, sending him to bed, and even smacking his hand. He wants something he gets it. No matter how high I have it. He is smart, very smart. He has been walking since 7 months and can reason how to get what ever he wants. I have to watch him 24 -7. What should a tired mom do?




  1. Be firm and consistent w/ your time outs.

  2. He definitely is strong willed my 3-year-old is the same way the only thing that works for him is putting him to bed. Maybe the out of sight out of mind concept could work with him. as far as the biting and hitting try to keep him very busy. I heard last week on the christian radio that by telling a child that he or she hurt you that it should get through to their hearts and they feel bad i sometime act like I'm crying so that my son understands what he did was wrong and times i don't fake the crying act ge knows what he did wrong and he gets a spanking appropriate for a 3-year-old and gets sent to bed. I wish you the best of luck.

  3. When he acts up the way he does it is because he NEEDS your attention desperately.  He needs to know that you, his mommy (possibly the only major player in his life), genuinely love and care for him.  Feeding him and taking good care of him only go so far.  The real communication of love is spending time with him.  Set aside some time each day to spend with him.  Ten minutes on your lap in the morning just talking with him (like tell him about your plans for the day) to start off.  Twenty minutes at the table together coloring and letting him talk to you (if he talks yet) to keep it going.  Twenty minutes more with you reading him a story just before bed will help him sleep.  At first he will seem unsettled and restless, but try to keep his attention, he will come around.  Some other suggestions for personal time, are singing with him (it doesn't matter if you have a "singing voice" or not, he won't care and it's for him.), playing with clay (it's pretty cheap at big box stores like target or walmart), playing patty-cake (it won't turn him into a girl), doing exercises (do them face to face, and I'm not saying you need to, just saying he will enjoy them).  Do whatever you think he may enjoy, just make sure it's only the two (or three if his father is around and willing) of you, no non-family members.

    A balanced diet with not too much sodium, sugar, and fat, and with enough protein and vegetables, will help also.

  4. wow that is one smart kid

  5. there is a book you should read called The Strong Willed Child..very good book..

  6. I would try to pick my battles carefully.  Pick a few important rules and just stick to them (like no hitting or biting), but don't have too many rules which could become confusing to a child.  Also try to keep him busy.  A toddler is able to help you out around your house, and most kids love to help mom out.  My daughter loves to help me with laundry and cooking.  The more you can keep him busy the less he will get into trouble.  An activity list might also be helpful.  Such as Play doh after breakfast, crayons after play doh, then help make lunch, next finger painting, next running around outside with a ball, after that help pick out a snack, etc.  Really plan out his day that works for my 3 year old daughter anyway.  You will probably be just as tired, but it will be more of a happy tired, I think.

  7. As a stay at home mom I am in the same boat, today my 3 year old told me that she didn't like me and didn't love me and was leaving by herself and actually unlocked the deadbolt and left. I didn't let her go very far but I am at the end of my fuse and my husband is in Iraq so I have no help. Everyone says planning out the day with lots of activities will help alot but idk, i also have an 11.5 month old so i cant spend the whole day doing projects with my toddler. But you are not alone.  

  8. does he have add or adhd?

    mose cause for uncontrollable kids,

    go to your doctor and find out,

    then he could take pills for it like riddaline.

    it does help alot.

    if thats not the cause,

    then try i guess loosley "not caring" so he can realize how much he needs you.

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