
My toddler is very jealous of the new baby?

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She is 26 months old (lets call her Y1) and the baby is 4 months old(Y2). Now Y1 is sooooo jealous of Y2 that she will hurt her even if you are watching and just cant get to the baby in time. Y1 acts like shes sitting by Y2 but she starts to roll on her, sit on het feet, bite her. Y2 even bites herself and I do not know what to do. I cant walk out of the room for even a minute or she hurts the baby. I need any suggestions on how to decipline or teach Y1 that she cant hurt the baby.




  1. if you don;t have a playpen now is the time to get one, that way if you have to leave them in the same room you can put one or the other in the playpen and keep the baby safe. Do not hit your toddler, as the first poster suggested. What kind of lesson is that? "don;t hurt the baby, or I'm gonna hurt you" Jealousy is normal, she needs to accept her new role as big sister. do you let her help with the baby? she can be the diaper fetcher, bottle shaker (if you are bottle feeding), lullaby singer. And be sure you have some special time for just the two of you during one of the baby's naps. Yes, there are a lot of things that need to get done, but spending time with your daughter is one of those things!!

  2. Y1 needs a whooping!

  3. Instead of protecting Y2 engage Y1 with whatever it is your doing.  have Y1 help out with matching socks and laundry.  Read with Y1 on your lap and Y2 in the car seat or the bouncy. have Y1 help feed Y2.  You said it Y1 is jealous she needs your attention.  Try to leave Y2 in her crib or chair as much as possible.  At 4 months she can stay in the crib or chair while you play, talk to, read, ect. with your older one.  Dedicate a full hour a day to jsut you and Y1.

    Do discipline when necessary, it is not okay to bite or hit or crush her.  Tell her that in a stern tone of voice.  Comfort the baby,let Y1 watch you comfort Y2.  Give all your attention to Y2 comforting her maybe Y1 will learn that she will be ignored and y2 will get all the atttention because mommy has to console y2.

  4. Trying to hurt the baby is a no no! I would be popping those legs until she learns that hurting the baby isn't nice and stops!

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