
My toddler just fed my 7 month old chocolate chip pancakes, is he ok?

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My almost 2 year old just fed a huge bite of chocolate chip pancakes to my 7 month old about 4 hours ago. Ever since he has been extremely fussy and upset, I think he might have a belly ache. I gave him Mylicon to calm his belly down, but it didnt seem to help much. Should I take him to the DR's? It did have milk and eggs in it and they arent supposed to have dairy until a year I know. Or should I just wait it out.

On the plus side.....he gobbled it down like a pro! I should start some table food i guess, lol.




  1. I think he will be OK. My son was about that age when he started grabbing handfuls of mac-n-cheese off my plate and gobbling them up. he did not even have a tooth in his head for another 3 months. I personally would be more concerned with the size of the bite rather than it being a pancake ( even a chocolate chip one).

    I am the oldest of 4 kids, so I was kind of relaxed about what my kids ate by the time they came around. I think all my kids had tastes of things like ice cream before they were 6 months old...and none of them have any food allergies. I also let them l**k tastes of sauces and gravies and stuff off my finger as soon as they showed interest.

    if he is still cranky in the morning or he gets worse tonight, then call the doctor

  2. just keep an eye on him.. btw - we lost a toddler in our family last yr who choked to death on a big chunk of pancake right in front of his parents.. : (  bread like foods are hard to get out...  ive caught my 2 yo son trying to feed my 4mo a piece of styrofoam packing material and i was in the room w/my back turned hanging a mirror.  kids are quick.. you have to keep an eye on them always.  (no offense to you, i missed it too)

  3. Digestion takes place in four hours. A 7 months old child should have been eating table foods from six months old. Your toddler is the smartest in the family. lol. Always watch small children, never leave them unattended. He is upset and fussy cause he wants more.

  4. I was just saying that moms worry about everything our kids eat, but we feed them anyways. All you have to do is not introduce any new foods for the next few days and check for a rash. If he get's one...he's allergic to chocolate. His bellyache will go away when he poops.

  5. your baby is going to be OK the Dairy nor  the chocolate isn't going to kill him/her my soon had milk and eggs at 7 months and he is perfectly OK he is almost 4 years old now

  6. call your pedi and see what they say. it can't hurt, and it'll make you feel better.

    but honestly, i think it's something that'll just pass....

  7. Really? My daughter was completely on table foods @ 10 months....though I didn't give her milk or straight eggs until after she was a year.

    He's probably fussy and upset because you're upset. He'll be ok...and if he's able to gobble it up, he's definitely ready for some table foods.

  8. dont worry too much, if he doesnt calm down or gets a rash then call the doc, otherwise just let him enjoy the sweets he should have never tasted. haha, good luck

  9. I would wait it out a little bit.  Children are very resilient.  The most important this is to watch for any signs of an allergic reaction, rash, wheezing.  If any of these symptoms occur definitely bring him in.  Otherwise I would just wait it out and watch.  If you need more piece of mind there are also nurse lines you can call just to ask a professional.

  10. ok they shouldnt have milk or eggs but if they do it would kill him. unless u or his dad cant have them. my son was colic till he was six months so i couldnt have anything with milk in it while breastfeeding. if i was u mondy morning call your doctor and just ask a nurse to see if he should be looked at he will have a belly ach with that much sugar. i would just keep and eye on him and wait till bedtime give him a nice bottle of milk or formula what every u give him and see if he will sleep. the Mylicon drops dont really help trust me my doctor told me not to use them at all. she said giving him love works better she said most of the time so yeah. oh and for the table food does he have teeth? my son didnt do the third stage cause he wanted mommies food. i just made sure it was in small bites for him and when he started to get teeth i did a little bigger and if he would coke on it i would go back to smaller. most of the time he would cough it back up which is better then not making any noise. well good luck

  11. I'd wait it out... if he has a hard time sleeping tonight, or things worsten I'd call. Have fun starting some table foods with him though!!

  12. He should b fine and i think its kinds funny (cute) I have a two year old also it and goes to show u cant turn ur head for a sec. It dangerous for her to feed the baby but He is OK now so i can see the humor. no dairy is a recommendation  but it ll b OK. and ya, the baby will b fussy. he should feel better 2marow. thats allota food for a small belly:) good luck and its ok 2 worry, its ur job to worry. u wouldn't b a good momj if u didnt. thats why other moms tell us its OK. good luck.......take ur 2 yr old w u to the bathroom to save the baby from future feedings. it will b good for her cuz she should b potty training soon.

  13. I would call the doctor and just ask and if it is anything serious bring him to the doctors.

  14. He may be hyper from the chocolate.  Wait for a reaction to the new food, and if he doesn't have one I wouldn't worry :)

  15. He is FINE.  He;s old enough to be eating a lot of table food.  Cheerios, smashed up everything almost.  Don't worry.  He may be cutting teeth, based on his age.

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