
My toddler just gave me the middle finger?

by Guest44649  |  earlier

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Yes, I just told her she couldn't have ice cream and she flipped me off. I'm nearly crying as I'm typing. What do I do?




  1. girl whup the baby assss............give her the good ole time when she is goin to do it, she willl remember the pain and not do it

  2. I am sure that even though she did this, that she doesn't realize what it means. She must have seen someone else do it, and that's where she picked it up from. I would talk to her, explain that it is a very bad thing to do and tell her not to do it. If she does it again after you explain to her how bad it is, than I would discipline her because she knowingly did something she knew was bad.

  3. Well depending on her age I would tell her that doing that is not an okay thing to do. She needs to learn that just because she seen something that does not mean she needs or can repeat it. If need be spank her or send her to the corner or her room. I would suggest you send her someplace with no toys and were she can think about what she did. Good luck and try not to cry, she still loves you just wanted ice cream badly.

  4. ask her where she saw that gesture and tell her that it is not a nice thing to do, let her know that it hurt your feeling and it was wrong. punish her if she does it again

  5. Just tell her that's not a nice thing to do, and then leave it alone.  You don't want to give too much attention to it or she may do it again just for the attention it gets  :)

  6. when she   does  that  tap  her  hand  and  say  no  no    you  don't  do  that   and   put her    in time out    

  7. tell her you will cut her finger off the next time she does it

  8. Flip her off back and tell her to ****** not give you that **** unless she wants a ***** in her *******. That's what I did to my toddler... shut him up for at least a month.

  9. Spank her! You don't take that c**p from a child. It'll only hurt her for a second but she'll learn not to do it again. You don't flip your mom off.  

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