
My toddler screamed for 3 hrs straight last night?

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my 17month old cried for 3 hours straight in the middle of the night and we couldn't calm her down!! I think it may be her teeth but we tried rocking her, singing to her, holding her, cuddling, nothing worked! I even gave her teething tablets which usually work like a charm, nope didnt work! Anyone else have this happen to them? We are all exhausted today.




  1. he saw a ghost!

  2. nightmares is my guess.

  3. My son did this a few months ago.  He is the same age.  We even called the hospital to see if there was anything we could do i thought he had an ear infection.  Anyways we took him to the doctor the next day and everything was fine.  I think it is just teething.

  4. if she is teething get a wash rag and get really cold water and just let her chew on it! it works reallyy good! Also try orajel or babys and just put it on her gums..

    hope i helped!

    Email me and tell me if it works!


  5. Take her to the doctor, I'd bet she has an ear infection.  

  6. My daughter did this tonight and last night...It turns out that it was just gas.  After trying the usual devices you mentioned, I turned her facing away from me and held her around her stomach.  After a few minutes, she belched, then tooted, then let out a rip roaring belch and immediately stopped crying.  Then she went right to sleep.

    Just a note, hers was from fried food last night, which we don't usually have.  Tonight, it must have been the oatmeal that she ate, or else they gave her broccoli at school again....

    Next time you go to the doctor mention to them, maybe she is like my daughter and can't eat fried foods.

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