
My toddler wont stop sucking her thumb....?

by  |  earlier

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My little girl just turned three, I took her to the dentist for the first time and he says the roof of her mouth is deformed from thumb sucking and that she has to stop right away. Besides positive reinforcement when she doesnt do it what else is there that actually works? she sleeps sucking it and it is in her mouth alot of the day too. help! thanks.




  1. 1. Put gloves on her hands.

    2. Dip her finger in vinegar.

    3. Dip her finger in hot sauce.

    4. Buy gross-tasting nail polish.

  2. ok there is stuff called anti bite and the pharmacys like cvs and rite aid and thats what worked for my cousin it taste so bad it will actually make her keeps her hands out of her mouth just apply it everyday trust me it works

  3. There is also a commercial product called No Thumb.  Works wonders!!!  I only had to use it one time.  I also used it to break my daughter from her pacifiers.  She found a stray one after we through them all away.  I swabbed it with No Thumb and set it on the counter.  She put it in her mouth one time, immediately removed it to place it back on the counter.  That counter is where it sat for a month, and she never touched it or put her fingers in her mouth again.

  4. i used to suck my thumb when i was young.  (toddler to 8yrs) when i was about 7 the orthodontist put a "thumb crib" in the roof of my mouth.  basically it was a wire that stopped me from sucking my thumb.

    i think that you're daughter will be fine.  i stopped about a year after they put that thing in my mouth.  also, i never had braces or bucked teeth or anything.  my teeth are perfect! so, don't let the dr. tell you that its going to mess up her teeth either.

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