
My toe and nail is infected. I am taking antibiotics- will it fall off?will it infect the bone fracture?help!?

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After dropping a massive dumbell on my big toe it has became infected and wont stop seeping blood and pus. Its more than two weeks now since the incident. I really did take my toe for granted. But now I will be ever so careful.




  1. it will get better and your toe nail depending on how bad it is damaged will most likely fall off but the good news is you will get a brand new one :)

  2. A very similar thing happened to my friend last year.  She trying to bunk her beds in her dorm and her roomate dropped it on my friends toe.  Her toe looked awful black and blue.  It was gross.  After a few weeks though the toenail did fall off.  I have a feeling yours will do the same.  Don't worry though hers has grown back and looks completely normal.  She also said that it felt alot better after it finally did fall off.

  3. Don't stress yourself out too bad.  What usually happens is your toenail will turn black and blue and stay like that for about a month or maybe a little longer.  After sometime the nail will eventually fall off, but do not panic because it will grow back.  My fiance is in construction and does this constantly to his hands.  It does look gross but with time it will heal.

  4. I hope you are seeing a doctor!!

    If not properly treated, it COULD fall off!  That infection could get more serious and turn into gangrene (the toe dies). In that case it would have to be cut off.

    If the infection spreads it could effect the bone or even the whole leg.  Same story -- if it gets too bad they will cut off the leg.

    If you are already seeing a doctor, follow his orders.  if you are trying to treat this yourself, you need to go to the Emergency Room.

  5. something similer happend to me give it time and let it fall of by itself do not pick at it or touch it with dirty hands it will hurt sometimes but the only thing you can do is wait for it to fall off and heal by itself it shouldnt infect the bone if  you keep it clean

  6. Yer ive had that, it will cure, just keep the nail from rubbing on the skin, it cleared up in a month or 2

    Any more questions, feel free to contact me:

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