
My toenail was removed on holiday, any advise on ensuring it grows back normally?

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Yesterday I had an accident and my whole toenail had to be surgically removed this morning. The doctor has said that I have to keep my foot completely flat to ensure that a new toenail will grow back, otherwise I risk getting half a toenail, no toenail, or an ingrown one etc. Does anyone know of any splints that would keep the foot flat? I'm thinking that I could use a lollipop stick underneath the bandage to at least keep the toe stiff. Does anyone know of anything a bit more medical to use?




  1. There is not much you can do unfortunately. If the nail fell off due to constant trauma then it can grow back thickened (don't mean to get you worried). But more often then not it just growns back the way it did before.

    Note that it can take upto 6-12months for your big toenail to grow back.  

  2. I lost a couple of toe-nails due to accidents last summer and didn't do anything special - they are totally ok this summer.  I had a thumbnail surgically removed when I was a child and, aside from the moon at the base of the nail being bigger than the other thumb, you would never know the difference.

    Just be a bit careful until the nail bed heals and don't fuss it!!

  3. I lost most of a nail last summer, didn't do anything special at all. It grew back just fine.  

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