
My toenails turned purple after basketball?

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i was playin basketball in a very tough tournament for about 3 hours and after my big toes started to hurt alot. after i went home and took off my shoes i saw that there were marks on my toenail like as if it was bruised on the inside of the nail but there was no blood. also it was hurting alot, even if u just touch it gently it would hurt. so i asked my mom and she said i lacked calcium and i ate some calcium pills. so the next day i had more basketball for about 3hours too and my toe again was throbbing. i relaized my shoe was about half a size smaller. after i went home my toe had the marks of the pervious day and it was purple. it still hurts after 2 days. wat could i do to relieve the pain and will my toes nails fall off? wat is the problem, am i lacking calcium or my shoe is too small or wat?




  1. your shoe is wayyyy too small!and you were in basketball for a long time witch didnt help at all.

  2. It sounds like you have blood pooled under the nail.  The pressure is causing the pain.  Take a paper clip and unfold it.  Hold one end against the nail and twirl the paper clip like a drill.  When you get through the nail, it will relieve the pressure and it will hurt less.  There will be blood, so have plenty of paper towels or such-maybe do it in the bathtub.  Wash it good w/ soap and water and put a clean, sterile bandage on it.  Stay away from vigorous usage of your feet for awhile, and look into getting new shoes.

  3. it is probably your shoes,

    they are uncomfortable, unfit for basketball, or just simply too small.

    if you get bigger shoes maybe it would help because when you run, then come to a sudden stop wearing small shoes, you are actually forcing your big toe against the front of the shoe.

  4. its your shoes broski! i had the same problem in marching band! i needed bigger shoes!

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