
My toilet has rust stains in it. I have tried everything to get them out. What can I do?

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I have used all the cleaning products out there. I have even used bleach. Nothing seems to work. It's rust that have covered the inside of the bowl and looks horrible. Please help me.




  1. Someone over at the Scott Community recommended using a can of soda to cut through tough stains.

    To clean the toilet quickly and cheaply, pour a can of cola into the bowl. Let it sit as long as you want, but just make sure the water level is at or a little above the ring. Swish around with your toilet brush and it will be clean. Works better than commercial cleaners, and it's faster too!

  2. Get a Bathroom Block!  It's a pumice block that you just scrub the stain with and in a few minutes it disappears.  I use one every couple months on ours.  You can buy them at hardware stores or Walmart.  They absolutely work great.

  3. I had the same problem, except I was told that it was iron in my well water that was causing the orange stain.  I tried tons of products and nothing worked until I tried "The Works".  I couldn't believe it because I was starting to think that nothing was going to work (I thought if bleach can't dissolve it, I don't think anything will), but I was wrong.  This was a miracle product for me - "The Works" Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner. (I like the Thick Formula best because it seems to not run off so easily, but both formulas WORK).  You can purchase this at The Dollar General or Wal-Mart.  Some grocery stores may carry it, but the Publix that I go to does not.

  4. Sno bowl, snow bowl, snow bowl.  Works like a charm. Ive cleaned houses for over 10 years. Oh, and its a cleaner that comes in those long necked bottles to clean the rim of a toilet. I  think the proper name is Sno Bol.

  5. I bought some water softner cleaner at Sears a couple weeks ago.  That stuff is horribly toxic, but it says it will clean toilets as well.  Might be worth a shot.  But actually, by the time you spend all the money on different cleaning products, you could have a new toilet.  They aren't that expensive.

  6. CLR and some similar products specific for rust removal may help.  After trying CLR and such, there are industrial-type rust removal chemicals you might be able to find in that car painting sections of an autostore.  Obviously, test it on a section that would not be visible first.  

  7. Try Oxalic Acid as a solution in water. This combines with the  rust and will dissolve it. You need approximately the same amount as the rust. So realistically usable where the rust is not thick, but just a stain. You can get Oxalic acid from a chemist, or as rust cleaner from a hardware shop. Oxalic acid is poisonous, so use rubber gloves and wash your hands.

  8. Try Barkeeper's Friend.  It's kind of like Comet Cleanser and can be found next to Comet at almost all stores.

  9. Pumice stone.  

    I tried everything to get rust stains out of my toilet including nasty strong chemicals for rust and nothing worked.  As a last resort, I tried a pumice stone and the rust scale came off.  Now my toilet is sparkling white!!

  10. I have two ideas.  My mom used to use a pumice stone to rub out stains in the toilet.  We all thought that was really gross to put your hand in there, but it does work. (You could wear gloves.)

    The other idea is to go to a fast food restaurant and see if they will sell you some Coke syrup.  When I worked at a fast food place, that's what we used on the toilets there and sparkle, shine!   I think the Coke syrup works more like an acid on yellowish stains, maybe not as well on rust.  Try the pumice stone--from a hardware store.  It should be cheap.

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