
My tomamto plant has totally dried. All the leaves were dry and dead so I cut them?

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So basically its just the stem with the roots on it, no leaves left at all and the main stem is drying too, I dont want it to die, the soil is moist I put fertilizer a week agao. Please help!!




  1. It's too late in the season for the plant to regrown and set fruit.

  2. You can try cutting it back to the ground and if the roots aren't dead, it might grow some and you can have a fall garden if it is the right type that will continually grow. Check the tag if you have it. If it is non determinate, it can grow all summer but they won't set fruit after the day temps are in the 90's and the night time are about the mid 70's.

  3. I think you might have to go and buy a new plant. You might be able to root a cutting of the main stem if you cut it off and put it in water, but I think this plant may be too stressed and beyond rescue. Good luck.

  4. Sounds like your plant fell victim to verticillum wilt...but there could be a number of reasons.  My first guess is a fungus if the plant got enough water and sun and this was a sudden disease.

    Once a plant has dried up there's no saving it.

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