
My tomato plants are turning brown and yellow on the bottom stems and leaves, any suggestions?

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My tomato plants are turning brown and yellow on the bottom stems and leaves, any suggestions?




  1. You have a tomato blight and all is lost until next season.Once its in the soil it is tough to get out.Next year use a black plastic to cover the soil.When the soil heats to 140 degrees the blight will be destroyed.

  2. Add fresh soil, fertalizer and lots of water. Water at least once a day.

  3. well yellow is a good color for tomato ... well were do u have the tomato's if u have them in the sun well at least watter 2 times a day but make sure its in the morning and night because if u add water when the sun is Up it may cause ur tomato's to burn not like on fire . but if ur tomato are in shade they may need sunlight or less water . my tomatos are in the shade so i water them once every 2 days but mine get sun light once a day Hope this help ...................... oh try triming them a lil that will help lots

  4. It is common for just the bottom leaves to start to yellow some and does not especially mean they have a disease..Simply pull them off..and take 1 tablespoon per foot of plant heigth of epsom salt and sprinkle around  at the bottom of the plant..then water it is..this will give them a much needed magnesium boost and sulfer as well aide the roots in uptaking the other nutrients in the soill do not give them anything with a high nitrogen content...Also at home depot they have small bags of lime that is actually a round slow release ball and not powdered lime..It is by the organic bags of fertilizers..this gives it some calcium as well that will prevent blossom end rot...

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