
My tooth at the very back is causing great pain...

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I have qite a big chip on my tooth at the back of my mouth and it is casing disconfort. I have visited an emergency dentist as i could not get in to see my dentist and he fillrd the tooth, but a month on the filling had come out and the pain isnt there all the time, but when i catch or accidentally touch the tooth. I canot get in to see my dentist as he is always busy, even ehen i say i want an emergancy appointment. help please!!! what should i do ???




  1. Make the earliest appointment they have and if necessary, use the emergency dentist.  Even if you think the emergency guy has made it ok - go to the regular dentist to make sure.  The regular guy may make it a better fix that will last.

  2. go to the densitry school. not the best but i imagine they will squeeze you in

  3. Make an appointment for the earliest possible time.  The health service wastes billions of pounds on stupid projects that lead to nothing then chooses to overlook the obvious benefits of a decent dental health care service.  If the pain becomes really bad, you can alternate between paracetamol and codeine tablets (Boots) and Ibuprofen tablets in such a way that you have twenty four hour pain relief, while only taking three quarters of the recommended daily maximum of each.  

    I had an abscess: 5 days of h**l.  (It started on Thursday night, thought it might clear up on Friday, suffered all weekend, got antibiotics on Monday, went back Wednesday as antibiotics weren't working (by this time I'd been made aware of the pain relief method outlined above) was given some very strong antibiotics, which immediately did the trick.  One week later root filling.  Joy.

  4. I am sorry you are in pain.

    Change dentists. (No one is that busy. It just means poor office management on his part. It means he is not organised.)

    Part of the pain is being caused by the heat of your cheek against the tooth. When the tooth begins to flare up, take a facial tissue and shape it into a small roll, put it under a cold water faucet, squeeze it almost dry and tuck it in between your cheek and the sensitive tooth. This will not solve everything, but it will lessen your pain by keeping your warm cheek away from the tooth, and buy you some time.

    I am so sorry this has come at you on a Thursday. These things never happen on a Tuesday. It is always right near the end of the week when it is impossible to get to a dentist and when you do, they charge you double for an emergency visit. This strikes me as unethical and greedy.

    Good luck to you, and I do hope you find some compassionate dentist who will give you the care you so clearly need and deserve.

    Those good dentists are out there and this situation you have right now is a good indication you need to use this opportunity to find a new one.

    Take good care now.

  5. You need to see a dentist as soon as possible if only to stop the tooth becoming infected and causing even greater problems and expense.  Get an emergency appointment with any dentist just to get a temporary filling and then at least you should be pain free until something permanent can be arranged!

    you can also alternate between paracetamol and ibuprofen (anti-inflam) every 2 hours-my dentist recommended that after I had an extraction.  I hope this helps.

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