
My tooth hurts REALLY BAD! please help

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On my back tooth on my gums, theres like a thick bubble growing, and its one my left side, and my cheek is starting to swell? what should i do to take away the pain, and what is it? should i go to the densit, its painful what should i do for now?




  1. Go to the dentist it sounds like an abses. Go see the dentist as soon as you possibly can, so the situation doesnt get out of hand. Until than use some tynenol or even better go to a drug store and buy some Orajel liquid the strong kind, take a Q-tip and apply it directly onto where its soar. It will numb the area and this will most likely be your best friend until you can see a dentist its a life saver. Good luck and I hope for you its just a minor thing! xox  

  2. rinse in warm salt water

    then try puting a wet towel over it like over the pain on the outer part of ur cheek.

    the bubble is just like a blister on ur hands. so dont worry bout the bubble. unless its colorful. and bleeding.


  3. take ibuprofin for the pain, see a dentist

  4. It is infection from a bad tooth and yes go to the dentist other wise it will only get worse.

    For now, take a few aleive/tylenol/asprin whatever.

    You can try rinsing with some peroxide (DO NOT SWOLLOW) and or rinising with mouth wash.

    Gargle with some hot salt water sometimes helps. Orajel can help or ambesol can help locally.

  5. Its an infection around your wisdom teeth.  Brush your teeth and rinse after you eat.  See the dentist and they will suggest that you get them pulled right away.  They might even give you a prescription for penicillin to make it go away.  

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