
My tooth hurts! please help?

by Guest57665  |  earlier

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i am 14 and have never had a filling. i do have braces. today i noticed that when i put any amount of pressure on my furthest molar on my left side, it hurts... alot. i wear rubber bands at night that keep my teeth together also if that helps. please help me?




  1. 1. You can see the dentist and see what is up if anything.

    2. might be sore due to the braces, teeth moving, the bands, etc.

    Now this is going to sound crazy and I laughed at it till I tried it and saw how well it worked. Get yourself some green tea bags (I got green tea w/ blueberry flavoring). Take the bag, run it under water so its wet and moist. Then put it into your mouth where the tooth pain is like a wad of chewing tobacco.

    Keep a towel handy as you will drool. But sit and watch TV or something for about 45 mins leaving the tea bag in and catching your drool. Then few hours later, do it again. And repeat every few hours (2-6 hours).

    I had an abscessed tooth, swollen up to a marble above my one tooth few months ago. A friend of mine from Greece told me this trick via email. I tried it as I couldn't get into a dentist for 6 days. After just the 3rd tea bag the abscess was gone. And the mind numbing pain that makes root canal pain seem like a paper cut was 99% gone. It actually worked. And the best part, I ate no pills.

  2. don't just see a dentist,

    consult to a dentist!!

  3. See a dentist

  4. I would bet its just your braces.

  5. i think u should probably see a dentist before ur tooth gets infected

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