
My top gums are puffy...?

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Just to add details, I have braces, have had them for weeks now. I just recently had four teeth extracted (not wisdom teeth), on Tuesday, so I haven't been really flossing like I should. Also, my top teeth where my braces are hurt really bad because they're loose, etc, so i've definitely been slacking on flossing.. is this the reason for my puffy gums? Whenever my next Orthodontist appt is (sometime in August), I don't want my gums to still be puffy.




  1. all of us need proper oral hygienic measures to keep our teeth as well as our gums healthy, persons with  braces nedd this much more than others, u got to brush ur teeth, (gently), flossing is assissting action, nt the main one, u can use vit "C" supplements, females during period and pregnancy need more attention due to hormonal changes which may lead to gum disorders and increased acidity of the saliva, helping decay to occur easier

  2. I know how you feel! I have braces, and my gums used to be really puffy and red! My mom is a dentist, and she gave me some tips. When your brushing your teeth, rub the brissels of your  tooth brush up against the line where your gums and your teeth bleed, really hard and move it in little circles for a couple of seconds. It's definately going to hurt a bit, and it sounds crazy, but it makes your gums bleed, and if you do it everytime you bursh, they'll be pink and healthy, and they won't hurt! Hope this helps!

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