
My total cholesterol was 100 ?

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i dont know anything about cholesterol but she said my hdl was low... what ever that is... what kind of food can i eat to make that go up or what can i do im very active although i do smoke a pack of ciggs a day im drug free i dont drink... i ate a bowl of cereal and drank a coke 2 hours before the cholesterol test... we have fish oil tabs at the house and i think that contains omega 3 in in should i start taking the tabs or what?? i just want to increase the hdl so i wont worry about it im 21 and today was first time ever getting cholesterol checked.... thanks for any info!!! and what kind of foods can i eat to increase the hdl




  1. HDL (good cholesterol) should be between 60 and 80 in a normal person. LDL (bad cholesterol) should be below 100. So, yes, your HDL is too low. Try eating more green vegetables and fish (salmon, sardines, tuna).

  2. Yes the fish oil caps will help if they are fresh, if not replace them. Things like saturated fat and grass feed beef will raise your HDL. All the nonsense about these two thing raising cholesterol were started before we knew that HDL was good. We didn't even know how to measure it. Your total is not right because you need to add a percentage of your triglycerides to it and one of those numbers is calculated from the total and the other two. I am guessing your triglycerides were very high due to the sugar you consumed when you should have been fasting. I know a doctor that would have admitted you to the hospital and pumped you full of cholesterol. Total that low is NOT healthy.

    Pharmacist who's life was almost ruined by Lipitor

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