
My toy poodle attacked my cockatiel?

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He doesn't seem hurt just scared luckily he's a fighter and I interrupted there attack. They managed to pull out a couple of feathers he's not bleeding as far as I can tell. Just a raw area where the feathers are lacking, no blood though. Is there anything I need to do, the bird belongs to my husband and doesn't like me to handle him to much so I don't know if he's shaking cause I'm holding him or if he's reacting to the attack. Any advice is appreciated




  1. He is shaking because of the attack, or course.  Imagine a 7,500 pound dog attacked you.  That is the same ratio as a 100 ounce dog and a 2 ounce bird.

    Be aware that the bird may not survive the attack.  Birds are very fragile.  He might look okay, but still die from internal injuries.  He may also have permanent damage to his wings.

    Advice?  Taking care of your pets means keeping them from harm. Your dog doesn't belong in the bird cage, and your bird isn't a dog toy.

  2. i have a cockatoo + a amazon parrot  3 months ago i adopted a boxer/pit  dog  the dog went nuts when the birds started talking i tried to break him of this but no luck i went to inoteck . net and got zone barrier collor it beeps and gives the dog small shock if it gets to close to the bird cage in 2 hours he got zapped 3 times in 2 weeks time i could take my birds out of there cage and he will stay away from them he don`t even look at them anymore i can now take everyone out on the front porch and enjoy a nice day good luck  he no longer wears the collor

  3. make sure he has no puncture wounds at all or he will need to go to vet asap to be placed on antibiotics. Dog and cat saliva are toxic to birds and they get very bad infections fast. he right now is in shock and needs to be kept warm and quite. Birds often die of shock than trauma. I would put in dim lit room with half cage covered and if cool put a heat pad under 1/2 cage. Leave alone for awhile if he is not bleeding at all.  Check on him often so he knows you are there and watching over him.After he calms I would check very carefully for any puncture or scratch wounds and if he has them off to vets. Good luck. And I would maybe relocate him away from where the poodles are if possible as they are also hunting dogs and just doing what comes natural

  4. If he doesn't like you to handle him, and he isn't bleeding - leave him be, but keep an eye on him...

    Toy Poodles are still from 'hunting' bred bird dogs, so it's not surprising that he would go after a small bird (my toy poodle was VERY interested in my parakeets, and hamsters - and would have loved to get his paws on them!)

    As you now know, it is very important to train your dog to not touch the bird, or keep the bird (and his cage) safely out of poodlie's way...

    I hope your bird is OK!

  5. I have a toy poodle also. Poodles are very protective and jealous of other household pets.  I don't think your poodle would hurt the bird too bad. Toy poodles are not really mean dogs. they are very possessive of their territory.  I would keep the bird up higher, and teach your dogs to leave it alone. Poodles are very, very smart dogs, and very easy to train. Good luck.

  6. Speaking as a cockatiel lover get rid of the dog. speaking as one who hates dogs  The sooner the better Our cockatiel is the most loving pet we have had  She calls my wife when i get chest pains  or gasp for  air >bet poodle cant top that

  7. Hello,

    I have a Cockatoo and 2 dogs.  Try wrapping the poor baby in a towel...loosely.  Make sure the dog is no where around for a while (outside, in another room)  try to gently touch him all over checking for any fractures.  Birds bones are so fragile.  It is good that there is no blood (birds don't have much to begin with)  keep it quiet, you may want to cover the cage when you finally put him away.  No loud TV or radio, no people going in and out or barking pooches.  Sit on the sofa with a towel in your lap and try hand feeding some of his favorite treats.  Keep the dog far away for a little while.  You are going to have to do some "damage control" after things calm down.  I would not have the dog loose any more when the bird is out.  Eventually you can start letting the dog in the same room while giving the bird some treats so the bird associates the dog with something good.  If they are both members of your family you don't want the bird freaking out every time the dog comes around. Also you may need to start being a little more restrictive with your dog as far as the bird goes (don't let him bark at the bird or run around the cage).

    Good Luck with both babies!!!

    ***Just a note, you should never leave any animal alone that you suspect is injured or tramatized.  This little guy is yours not a stray.  If your child was hurt would you just leave that child alone?  If he gets worse.  Don't handle him too much, but stay near where he can see you.  Animals can feel abandoned espically birds that don't have another bird in the cage with them.

  8. If he's a bird that usually craves attention, then I would just hold him and talk to him, if not just leave him alone for about an hour.

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