
My tree wont grow. I NEED HELP!!

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Okay, so im trying to grow a tree but the trunk is not growing. And even though the trunk is not growing, there is a limb thats growing off of the tree just fine. Ive been putting miracle grow on it and watering it everyday, but its just not growing. I even tried to scrape off some of the dead bark off of the trunk. IF YOU KNOW WHATS WRONG, PLEASE HELP!!!!!




  1. How much Miracle Grow?   It is possible to overfertilize plants and trees, so be sure and follow the instructions about how much MG to mix into the water and how often to apply it.    Typically, most fertilizers recommend applying no more often than every two weeks.

    Watering every day should not be necessary, and could be a problem if the soil drainage is slow (i.e. if it's in clay, for example), or if the soil is already wet enough w/o watering.

    Look for new growth on the tips of branches, that is the quickest way to see if what you're doing is good or bad, but it still takes days or even weeks to see the results sometimes.  

  2. You might try replanting the tree in a different pot, if it is an inside plant.  If it's outside, you could move it to a sunnier side of the yard/house.  

    If you have an inside tree, try mixing 1 tablespoon Epsom salt in 1 quart of water and sprinkle on your plants once every 1-4 weeks.  That way, your dirt will have the necessary minerals needed to help your plant grow.

  3. can you post a pic?

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