
My trip to Turkey?

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I just came back from my holiday in Turkey which is a beautiful country. I loved the food, weather, architecture, beaches etc…beautiful. The only thing I found strange is that the men stare quite a lot over there. I was with my fiance and dress very respectfully as a woman. I am also of part middle-eastern decent and look just curious as to why they would look so much?

I stayed in a resort and would recommend it to everyone I know x




  1. I agree with Tanju. You must be pretty. Because there are zillions of female tourists in resorts, some of which do attract attention. I have two observations about that:

    1. People (Turkish, foreign, local, tourist) always check each other out. Naturally, attractive people draw attention most. Ladies are checked out by men, men are checked out by ladies.

    2. Young men who have come from rural East and Southeast for employment aren't used to bikini clad ladies walking around, and it is eye-heaven for them. Although I despise this kind of attention (the dirty looks, whispered words, etc), unfortunately it DOES happen and the only solution to that (banning them from entering resorts) would be so undemocratic that your politicians would scream their lungs out for protest.

    And finally, in the only really dirty event that I witnessed, a bunch of men filming bikini-ed ladies with their cell phones, turned out to be Middle Eastern, some Arabic speaking place, I don't know where, and if they didn't stop what they were doing when they received MY dirty looks, I was ready to create a scene.

  2. Mayzie is so wrong about it... Im sure she doesnt even know where Turkey is, only read a few articles and speaks like she is a Turkey specialist..

    But baby, no! never! What you do is to manipulate the truths sooooo much and this is not acceptable, you at least gotta go to Turkey to be able to talk like that and you re not wellcome with your prejudices.

  3. Its a corruption by government, ordinary folks streets with no cops but full of arabesque womanizers its seen as a casual by officials almost no punishment, they enjoy murmurıng s**y whispers to walkıng ladies, provoked by daily traditional TV. channels with arabic type women as a real chaste should within hijab, long skirt no laugh etc.. which media is supported and spread also by fundamentalıst EU politicians (sarkozy etc..Olii rehn and the others ). for strenghtening the beneficalties withmiddle eastern peace(!) using TUrkey .They are everywhere have no ashame unless you have pepper spray with an extreme serious attıdut.

  4. just let it boost your ego. yes some do stare but then you must have been looking at them to notice that they were.probably as you are a tourist,i've experienced this in turkiye, been 3 times, and i take it as a great compliment. they are much more flattering in their ways than you get at home. enjoy the attention!! glad you enjoyed your holiday though. x

  5. I agree with Totally Blunt but I won't choose nice word as she did.

    Not to be racist, but they are Kurds from south-east Turkey. They are all over Turkey now, especially in touristic places, because it does not require any profession to make some money in there. Only good looking female they've seen in south-east was female donkeys.

    Unfortunately that's true. We have mothers, sisters, daughters, and we can not play the three monkeys. We should do something about it. That happens when I have a girl friend or my wife with me too. This makes me angry also. I am sorry.

  6. the turks like to stare? like.. they ALL do it? thats weird, but if i where u, i would put on a show for them lol

  7. They like to see fair women that's all. I have auburn hair, they stroke it. So what? It's all very flattering.

    North European women are something different to them. That's all.

  8. Hi,

    Sorry, But first of All, I want to ask some question for Mayzie ...

    Dear Mayzie,

    How many times, have you ever been in Turkiye ?

    How many times, your passport has been stolen ?

    How many times, did you talk with us ?

    How many times, did you kidnap?

    Why do you look so much prejudice ?

    You can tell us, if you see any problem with us ...

    Dear Fluffy,

    Well, They just looked, but I believe Noone say bad words for you and your fiance ...

    So, am I  right ?

    I think, You are so Pretty, maybe just thinking..

    -Oh my God, What a beatifull Lady and Her Fiance is so much Lucky ..

    So ?
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