
My tropical fish tank is cloudy even after 50% water change?

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in the 11 gallon tank i have a filter pump with the sponge inside which has been cleaned and also an air stone. i dont touch the gravel, could it be that the gravel needs cleaned. if so, whats the best way to do this?




  1. Yeah.. i think it might be the gravel. My 10 gallon gets cloudy too and I have a clean filter as well. Get a vacuum thing (siphon or something) .. you can find it at local pet stores and it siphons all the gunk collected in the rocks! (It's like a long tube) It works! Good luck! =)  

  2. Is the filter a whisper filter/biowheel type with a carbon fliter. This will usually remove most of the cloudiness.

    Depending on the type of fish, the best bet would be to take about 1 gallon of water an put the fish in a bowl for  short time, completly wash the gravel and refill the tank.  After refilling it, add the fresh start water purifer that will rid the tank of cholorine and add benefical bacteria to the water and then add the fish back.

  3. dont do anything let it set for a few days and the water will clear up  

  4. does the sun shine on the tank?

    this will cause cloudy water.

  5. what color is the cloudiness? how long has it been setup?

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