
My truck getting repossessed - question

by  |  earlier

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Hey I know this is an iffy question but I'll ask anyway.

I'm making payments on my 1990 z71 Chevy truck. I've recently gotten behind on the payments. Can the car sales place take any legal action against me if they can't find the truck to repossess it?




  1. if they can't find it, they will go after you.

    the more they have to look, the more it will cost you.

    your credit will crash.

    it is better to call them and try to work something out if you can.

    better to turn it in than to have it repo'd.

  2. yeah!!! you can go to jail or get slapped a huge fine.  

  3. Yes, you owe the money. They can sue you for the money.

  4. Yes, they can put a lean on the truck, that means you can't sale it or even put tags on it when they expire. And taking and hiding the truck is called theft and the bank will have all legal right to file charges against you.

  5. Yes. They can take you to court and sue you for it. With a judgment, they may be able to garnish wages (law is based on state laws)

  6. Yes.  You'll be in more trouble than you're already in.  

  7. They will just put a lien on your house, or have your wagesguarensheed. <}:-})

  8. If you agreed to make payments to them for the truck and you don't, BUT you wanna keep the truck, YOU are a THIEF ! That means I can call you the N word.

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