
My trumpet embouchure is too much to the right, is this in limiting my full potential?

by Guest10807  |  earlier

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My trumpet embouchure is is placed too much on the right; to give you a picture, about 1/8 is place on the left, and the rest (7/8) is on the right.




  1. The possibility exists that your mouthpiece placement is limiting your potential. As has already been pointed out, dental irregularities can play a role in where you're placing the mouthpiece. We are guessing that this is the case because we cannot see you.

    As long as it's not uncomfortable to do so, try to "gradually" move your mouthpiece more towards center. I would recommend remaining with a certain placement for at least a week or two, in order to allow the muscles of your embouchure to re-strengthen themselves in the new position. IF you can go to a more centered position immediately, by all means do it. However, you will need to allow time for your embouchure muscles to adapt. In other words, don't worry if you have air escaping from what is/was the weaker side. This will go away in a fairly short period of time.

    This could also be a comfort issue with your mouthpiece. Currrently, you are placing it where it doesn't hurt you to play. One possible solution would be to try a mouthpiece with a larger inner diameter. How large is up to you... but, a gradual adjustment is advisable. If you do have dental issues, a rim that is a bit wider and flatter may help you as well.

    If you have the time and money to do so, seek out a trained professional to help you work through all of the above issues. Private lessons are a good idea as well.  

    Keep playing, and don't give up if making an adjustment isn't an option for you.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. Remove it and insert it correctly. By correctly, I mean it has to go in straight and not lop-sided.

    It will affect your technique and the sound.

  3. hi

  4. i know quite a few pro musicians who have similar problems, usually caused by flaws in their teeth structure. if your front teeth are not properly flat, it is nearly impossible to have a straight on embouchure! if you have no dental alignment problems, i strongly urge you to adjust your embouchure so it is straight on, (it should help with air stream and tone issues)

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