
My trustee has kicked me out of my home?they have decided to give me less money and now i am homeless now?

by  |  earlier

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they wont get me any information on any of my assests or bank accounts,tax returns,or rent monies,they told me that my money is theirs now,they cancled my health insurance,and now after 4years they are refusing to pay for my medcations,they have moved there children into my home where i grew up,i have to chase them down every week for my weekly pay of 250.00! they act as if my family trust bank accounts and my rental properties and home is theirs now,i dont know what to do,every week has become more and more harder to talk to these people,all they do is scream at me,they took my personal property when they forced my hushand and i out of my home where i had lived all of my life,they really didnt know my mom before liked they have protrayed to have.they had my mom change her first trustee from bank of america and replace them,and have there names put there,then 2 weeks later put my mom in a home.PLESE HELP ME,WHAT CAN I DO???????????




  1. HIRE an attorney, go to the country public guardian with as much information as you can get together--they can help

    Nothing will be immediate, but they can help!!

  2. You need to contact a lawyer.

  3. they had my mom change her first trustee from bank of america and replace them,and have there names put there,then 2 weeks later put my mom in a home  !!!!!!

    Your state's attorney general probably has someone who specializes in taking care of slime like this.   It's a well-known crime, where they get an elderly person to trust them, then take over the estate.

    It's called "elder abuse", and it's a felony!  

    Places you can get help - your state's Attorney General's office.  Your City probably has an agency looking out for elderly pepole.

  4. Get a lawyer and go to the police.

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