
My turkey eggs have started moving, does this mean it will hatch today or next week?? Can you help me??

by  |  earlier

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I know they are between the age of 19- 25 days old- can you help me find a closer date??




  1. no

  2. Hun...I'd say pretty soon...OMG what pure IDIOTS on here..GRRRRRRRR We just hatched only one baby chick and that egg was rocking & rolling before she broke It was so kool!!! And I'm a 56 year old Mom & I never saw anything like that!! My daughters(18&20) are her moms & boy!!! are they busy, she wants to be held in your hand. Since we have no other chicks, we have us, a stuffed chicken & a mirror. She's not quite 2 days old yet, but we love her sooo much already.

    BEST OF LUCK!!!!

  3. Hmm. No it won't hatch today, it'll be next week. Just make sure to boil them and/or freeze them for exactly a day for freezing and 1 hour for boiling.

    Need more help visit: and look for the video fred looses his meds :D. Happy turkey dayyyyyyyyy!

  4. Could start hatching almost any time now.

  5. yes soon

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