
My turtle ate a pebble!?

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okay so two days ago my friend bought me a red eared slider turtle and before it came a lady at the pet store helped me pick things out for its cage she suggested putting pebbles in so i did and when i fed it this morning my turtle was being a little p**p and when i came over to try and keep the turtle from eating on of the pebbles he swallowed it! im afraid he will die the rock was about three centimeters long and hes a little one about four inches any advice i really hope hes okay :/




  1. A four inch turtle swallowed a pebble 3 cm long? Quite a trick. I suspect you meant 3 mm. I tend to think metric too when I deal with small dimensions and English for longer ones. And I have been known to bollux up the prefixes too.

    To get back to your question, a small pebble will probably pass on its own but mineral oil will ease it through. You might be able to *** the oil to the turtle's food.

    I trust you have already removed the pebbles from the tank.

  2. Your turtle, especially when new, is very curious.  Eating pebbles won't hurt him unless they get stuck, which you will be able to tell because then it will lose its appetite.  If it does, you will have to take it to a vet.  If he does stop eating and you cannot take him to a vet or would like an alternative method, try feeding him a bit of Vaseline (only a drops worth, though!  Not bigger than dime-size portion!).  This is a non-toxic substance that will coat the stomach and possibly help the stone move.

    HOWEVER, you're turtle is most likely fine!  Again, they are curious, and it will probably pass through his system fine, and I'm sure he will realize it is not a food.  Pebbles in the tank are recommended since many slider turtles like to dig, burrow, and play in the rocks. ^_^  Although if he continues to eat rocks then it may be a good idea to take the rocks out.

  3. your turtle will be fine! =) but i do reccomend taking out the pebbles, they arent good for the turtle and they hold all the dirt down. Have fun with your new pet.

  4. A 4 inch slider is HUGE to me. Well, I live in Singapore and the shops sell them at about 1 inch big. It should be fine after swallowing that pebble but maybe u should get it to the vet to check for indigestion... My sliders p**p out whatever **** they eat, and they're still fine.  

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