
My turtle has a couple of scratches on its shell what is it?

by  |  earlier

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Could i need to use calcium powder too my food.

Here is a pic of it




  1. Its just where they are growing.

    Don't worry.

    I can't really tell by the picture, but to reduce it ..

    just give them less foods which are high in protein like Pea's .. which are really bad for tortoises.

    Also, a calcium powder being sprinkled on top of their food is a good idea, but equally you could get them a cuttlefish, which only cost's about 75p.

  2. Cant tell from the picture if you have any rocks or shelves in the tank. It could be that its trying to bury under them. the other thing to check is your heater. Sometimes terrapins will bask directly against the heater leaving scratch like marks and even burns on the shell. Make sure you have a heater guard fitted. Over enthusiastic males can sometimes leave scratches like those too.

    If you are buying a commercial brand of terrapin food then it should be nutritionally balanced. If not then i would certainly recommend a calcium supplement.

  3. Doesn't look like anything to worry about yet. Calcium powder won't hurt, of course, You might try dusting strips of liver with bonemeal or feeding earthworms or fishes, both good sources of calcium.

  4. I can't really tell from the image, but I would assume that if they are between the turtle's shell plates, they are growing rings. However, if they are on the plates themselves, it could the other turtle that has scratched it, either from fighting, or from when they have climbed on each other, (as they do that when they bask)

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