
My turtle has not eaten anything in four days.

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I have been having this turtle for 3 months now. He is growing and seems healthy but all of a sudden he stopped eating. any suggestions would be greatly appreicated.




  1. 4 days is a long time, I would bring your turtle to the vet.

  2. there's a chnace your turtle tank or container isnt warm enough. is your turtle a water turtle or land trutle? Do you have a uv light that it can bask in? if he doesnt eat when you raise the temperture then you should try feeding it varieties of food for it too eat. did you change anything in it's tank? if yes maybe it's getting use to it's surrounding

  3. Vet, seriously!

  4. if your not already, would feed it live bugs, or worms.

  5. What kind of turtle?  Land or aquatic?   Do you have him under a high quality UV light?  Is he warm enough?  Is his environment being kept very clean?  All of these things will contribute to his overall health and if his all of needs are not being met, he will stop eating and fall ill.

  6. maybe its just not hungry.. or you could try giving him another kind of food

  7. What kind of a turtle? Aquatic or dry land?

    If it is aquatic, try feeding some greens such as zuchinni* and romaine lettuce. Or a live feeder fish. If he is still not interested, try some aquatic turtle pellets. I wouldnt worry too much. I sometimes do not feed my red eared slider turtle for 5 days. Then on the 6th day, i feed him some greens and a little bit of pellet.


    Make sure you have a backing spot for him to rest and a heat lamp under the basking area for him to rest and warm up.

  8. well maybe its trying to lose weight like u should

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