
My tv does not have a moniter out Output help please?

by Guest66989  |  earlier

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I am using a dazzle platinum the 90$ one an i have an rca double sided cable with red,white and yellow and i can record by plugging the cable into moniter outon the back of my tv but i dont have moniter out i have coxial, component video 1 and video 2 will these work

PS My 360 is hooked up to video 2 and i just need to find out how to get my tv signal to my dazzle so i can record and i dont have to look at the little screen on the laptop




  1. Get a cheap (very cheap ie used) VCR. they have stereo line out and you dont care much about resolution? You will have to use the RF modulator to make that work. or plug the PS3 into its line in, a better solution. Some have two video out with audio so you could have your dazzle and TV connected at the same time. by the way your question is very confusing since you say you have output, but the question topic says you dont.


    If your TV has video out with stereo, you dont need to do anything else, the dazzle will record what is on the screen unless the content is high def, only some TV do that.

  2. You can add an RCA plug spliter to each of the red, white and yellow component, very inexpensive and easy....(for three additional lines three different splitters that looks like a wishbone.

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