
My tv is on the blink....?

by  |  earlier

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my tv seems to have a loose connection it is through digital and it gets distorted and freezes and pixelates sometimes. usually its fine but ocassionally it does this...and it seems to have a pattern. on ocassions i will start watching and then it my got on the blink again and i get annoyed so go of to have a ciggarette or a coffee when i come back its fine and then i sit down get comfy and it will start again!!! weird. also if i just look and wait see if it stops the flicker and freezing pictures seem to have a i reading too much into this or could there be a reason... also this is the bit that started making me think...once when i walked off into the kitchen there was a big crash in the living room...i found the side lamp on the floor in pieces with most my DVD's!! i am assuming that a DVD fell off knocking the side lamp off the shelf next to them. am i reading too much into this? check this...I recently came home once to find the mirror....on the bits..gulp




  1. I'm afraid you're being haunted by the ghost of bad reception. Seriously, call your cable company. Or invest in a new antenna if you get it over the air.

    And be careful with your DVD collection. Mine falls over all the time.

  2. maybe the ghost thinks you need to read a book

  3. dont waste money to some cowboy repair man they are so cheap now just buy a new one and be finished you will save in the long

  4. I would say that it's the static electricity in your body that is causing the tv to do this. It used to do this all the time before cable. I don't know if it still does it now with cable or not. But , I know that some radios do this.  I don't know about the lamp etc. I think you need to wait and see if anything else happens. If you think it's a ghost/spirit..tell them you need a clearer sign that they're there (if you REALLY want to know). Otherwise..just ignore it  and maybe you can live in peace if you're not thinking paranormally . Ignorance is bliss.  P.S.  If your walls are anything like ours...mirrors are too heavy for them . Next time get a wire to hang your mirror with and triple check the nail you put into the wall. Might be better to use a s***w. If things continue to might need to call an expert  in the paranormal(if they'll come out of hiding)

  5. Paranormal phenomena alright! The problem is to do with the type of coffee you're drinking. Try percolating for untroubled viewing. It's all to do with Nescafe, they have installed advanced ad ware on your TV which goes one step further than monitoring what people view, but actually disturbs viewing when 'sniffing' out the wrong brand. Percolated coffee hasn't (yet) be programmed into their system. The spyware follows the aroma, so in the process of sitting down, you are disturbing the air, you get the pic.

    As for the lamp and the mirror, it could be down to the advanced version which actually gets quite upset when sniffing out enemy brands.

  6. If someone is trying to send you a message, you will get it, you won't have to ask anyone the meaning of certain behavior of electronic devices and such. If you are not getting it, then it is not there.

    Did you have an idea of meaning behind the pattern or anything beyond that? If you can express a reason or meaning and explain it , then you have your answer.

  7. maybe its your brain wave pattern on the tv, you mite be able to move things with your mind

  8. It's probably just your antenna that's not very good. Try updating your antenna, might be old and not fully prepared for digital. Same happens to me with outside antenna so I use an indoor digital one. Much better.

  9. It will depend what toxins you are consuming in your tobacco and your alcohol.

  10. When My mother in law died, a few months later I fell to sleep with the TV on. I woke up to the after smell of cigarettes, like the smell of the after smoke that was on my mother in law before she died....she her spirit was in the TV that night, as it was acting very weird. She came back a few more times after that.

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