
My twin sister and i arent speaking!....?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i was at my bfs house, till like 10, so i call my sister and ask her to pick me up,(we pay on a car together, we live in the south part of town, our bfs live in the northside of town.) she sounded tierd and annoyed that i'd called to ask her to pick me up. i was like "where you at?" she said home, i was like why didnt you tell me you were going home?(she saw her bf after droppping me off with mine and left like around 9pm) she was like you didnt tell me what you were doing? and i was like " you know what i was doing, where i was!" i asked again. come pick me up. she was like no, i'd have to put gas in the car, i was like then do it, we'll need gas anyways. then she got smart-alikey with me, insulted me and said why cant my bf take me home(which he would've done) but it was the principal, she always does this, she acts like its just her car, like i cant use it cause im "always with my bf. like she has more important things to do. we need to make an arrangement.




  1. Like get your own like car.

  2. Wow, only 9 likes in your question.

    It was wrong for her to be rude but also rude for you to insist she drives across town to LIKE, pick you up while she is tired. Why would you both date two guys clear across town that have no car?

  3. If you know you sister is like that and won't change then it is you who needs to do some changing for your own sake. When you know that you are going to need a ride, make arrangements with her before you get to where you are goings instead of assuming that she is going to pick you up with open arms. Since you both pay the car together, make sure that it is available to you when you need it, otherwise, why pay for it. Also, you really need to plan a way to get your own car. You should really plan to have things separate from her in the future so that you do not have to rely on her.

  4. first of all its both ur guys car so she shouldnt be doing that, secondlyif u have a problem with her u need to tell her wat ur problem is, and thirdly u should always talk to her  and ask wat time shes leaving her friends house and wen she does tell her to pick u up. work things out like that and ull come up with something to help out the problem.

  5. Although this is your twin we are talking about sharing a car is a bad idea period. I understand where you are coming from and you all should really talk about it because something so minor isnt worth you two falling out. Work out a schedule with the car, and let your boyfriends take turns bringing you all home. I hope that it works out. Good Luck

  6. maybe she's sad because you've been spending all your time with your boyfriend and maybe none with her? maybe you should offer to drive her around, or maybe you should get your boyfriend off his *** and tell him to drive you home. Nothing's worth losing a sister...believe me. I know.

  7. First of all your BF should your twin sister. Friends are temporary and friends are for life. Get it together bimbos!

  8. She's not your personal chauffeur, I'm on her side on this one. (which is really unusual because the person that writes the question usually puts their own spin on the story).... I think you owe your sister an apology.

  9. If you both pay for the car and it belongs to both of you then you should take in in turns to have the car. You shpould set specific days on which each of you can use it.

    Whether you give each other lifts on your days owning the car depends on how well you can reciprocate with each other, If one wont give the other a lift then that will wotk both ways. Make sure you are both aware of this when arranging the days you have the car. if there is a dispute over which days you have the car put your names in a hat and draw for it.

    Arrange this when you are both in a good mood.

    You probably caught your sister after she had had a long and tiring day and she probably didn't feel up to going out again. Try to see things from each others point of view. Dont harbour grudges - you were cuddling each other in the womb and she will always be one of the closest people to you.

  10. I kind of used to have the same problem with my brother who's three years older.

    When I was about 12 till 15 we really didn't speak that much. It was probably both our faults really. I'm not much of a talker and really more of a listener.

    Now I talk a lot more to him but thats probably because we don't see so much of each other as he's living with his girlfriend.

    In the case of your sister I reckon its just a phase that she's going through. She might be jealous of what you're getting up to. Just be frank and honest with her and show that you are trying to make an effort to sort things out. If she doesn't bother, she will know inside that it is her fault. You can't do anything else really.

    But also maybe give her some time alone to sort out how she feels. She will respect you for that as well.

  11. if your "always with your bf" then think about how she feels. she's probably a little lonely, or hurt that you spend more time with a guy than your sister. fix things with your sis before worrying about your boyfriend.

  12. maybe you need your own car.

    tell her your bothered about it though.

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