
My twin sister died.

by Guest62808  |  earlier

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Last week my twin sister died of a med over doce. I can't seem to deal

with her loss. What can I do to help me get over the fact that I am now

an only child. I really loved her, we were like best friends. I am heart broken with out her.

please help.





  1. im so, so sorry :( speak to your family doctor, he can probably refer you to a therapist.  

  2. i also had a twin sister but she died at birth so i know for you its much harder since u lived with her and everything but really ull always be sad about it but u must remmeber that gd is like ur parent he would never do naything thats bad for you so even though u dont understand why this tragic thing has happened gd did it for a reason. so shes in a better place and jsut try to talk to her a night beofre u sleep get ur feelings out becuase she hears you. maybe u should talk to a friend or a guidance councellor but no matter what do not keep ur feelings inside of you it will only make things worse. try to stay with  ur family a lot becuase they also feel the pain u feel and u can all comfort each other. iam very sorry and i hope things get better,  

  3. I am sorry for your loss. Just remember, your sister will always be with you in spirit, and I am certain that she loved you as much as you loved her. Please consider counseling if you have no one in your family or circle of friends you feel you can share your feelings with. Good luck and God Bless!

  4. u have to remember that she is in a better place now and that she is watching over u I hope this helps u I'm sorry for u loss though  

  5. There really is no easy answer to this.  It's more about letting time heal you and your family. Grieve and let it all out, don't suppress your emotions.  Just take it easy, and see if there is any grieve counselling that you and your family can get. It will help, as they are trained to be able to guide you, it may also help that you have someone to talk about things with.

    Im so sorry for your loss, it's never easy but it will be easier to accept as time goes on.  And dont beat yourself up over having a fight, it's common among sisters and no one knew what was going to happen.  Don't feel bad about that, she wouldn't want you too.

  6. I also lost my twin two months ago, she took her own life and I feel like she took part of me, I think you are the only one that would understand me too.

    I have made a memory  book in her honor and it's almost full now.  It helps me to do this for her and I have to admit for me too.

    I can keep that essence of her alive in each page and give her all our futures together .

    I can only wish and pray for you and if your twin is looking down like mine is she or he will be happy too.

  7. well she did Meth, that alone tells she didn't care about herself.  

  8. I'm sooo sorry.
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