
My twin sister is out of control and needs to be stoped but how ?

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she wrecked our older sister car she hanging out with thugs and ho's and dating cheap low life guys i scared she might end up dead messing around with these people my parents are pissed but won't do nothing she is very defensive if i confront her it might make her actions wrost




  1. Your sister needs counseling or guidance from a counselor to get her life back in order b/c your parents won't do anything and she isn't listening to others and wants to do her own thing.  I would tell her that you love her and are very concerned about her and you want to help her.  If she won't listen and becomes hostile, then unfortunately there is not much that you can do.  In order to put a person in a hospital for psychiatric treatment, they have to be either homicidal or suicidal.  However, if she displays any of those symptoms and becomes violent your parents could get a court order to get her treatment.    Don't give up on your sister.  Good luck.

  2. you're right - she's out of control.  your parents owe it to her and the entire family to have an intervention (you get a family therapist to help you so no-one gets hurt) and get her help.  she will eventually thank you and is probably now acting out because she feels her parents don't care enough to create boundaries and set standards of decent behavior.

    getting pissed off doesn't accomplish anything.  having a family pow-wow and establishing rules and enforcing them will go a long way to setting her on the right path.  it's not an easy task because she's presumably an adolescent, rebellious and angry herself.  they have to have the fortitude to stay the course.  a family therapist can help a lot.

  3. Talk to your parents about getting her some help. May even the school guidance counselor if money is an issue. Your parents need to be able to set down rules and enforce them instead of "being pissed". Maybe you could think of a way to get her to your level where you can have a real heart to heart. Sometimes twins have a very strong connection. You might be able to reach her where others can't.  

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