
My two 10 year old twin daughters are out of control?

by  |  earlier

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my twin daughters are out of control. all they do is try to fight other people. they actually initiate fights. they are the sweetest girls when they are around me and my husband but as soon as they get out of our site it is war. they have hot temper and bad mouths and one of my daughters is loud as i don't know what. they are also very manipulative they do this thing when mommy says no ask daddy or vice versa.




  1. Whoop them kids!!! beat they asses!!! they bad! whoop them every time they do something bad and they will eventually get the picture!

  2. boot camp

  3. Welcome to the onset of puberty.  

    My guess is that this is an attempt at individualism & self expression.  Consider other outlets.

    Are they active in sport?  Music?  Dance?  Art?  Try one of those so they can express their thoughts more positively.  I'd also watch their associates very closely and do as you should with all kids:  reward positive behavior, reprimand / punish bad behavior.

    The fighting, the loudness, the manipulative ways are typical behavior.  The bad mouths-- that I have very little tolerance for.  But that's just me.  Chose your battle, prioritize which habits you want to break first and work on them one by one.

  4. Call Nanny 911   or the quicker alternative watch Nanny 911

  5. have you tried enrolling them in a martial arts program so they can let out their anger? maybe if you enroll them each in a different activity they wont be as much trouble when they are apart and they can develop their own unique personality.

    if you threaten to punish them say by taking away a privilege or making them go bed earlier or something, follow through with it.

    watch super-nanny or one of those shows or go to the show's website for tips on how to handle  pre-teens

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