
My two best friends both gave birth....on the same day.

by Guest32117  |  earlier

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I am happy for them, however I can't help but to cry too. It was hard enough when they both told me they were the babies are here. I'm just sad. I need some cheering up.




  1. I so understand what you are going through. My one best friend just had her daughter on Friday and i'm suppose to go see her and the baby today or tomorrow with my other friend who is 5 months pregnant!!! It kind of feels like a slap in the face i know...but i just think its not their fault i cant conceive and not their childrens fault either...

    Keep your head up sweety!

  2. Aw, I'm sorry. I know that can make you feel , for lack of a better phrase, left out. It's a sucky feeling. It seems that every married person I know right now is pregnant lol. I know how you feel. But enjoy the freedom of not having that kind of responsibility right now. You're time will come.

  3. I know how you feel. When i was trying to get pregnant my sis and my 2 friends got pregnant before me! and when i finally got pregnant (they were almost to term) i had a miscarriage. So after i lost my baby i had to go to their showers and watch them with their babies. Don't get me wrong i was extremely happy for them but it was a very hard time.

    Your day will come, don't worry.

  4. I so understand the feeling... My 2 brothers (one older and one younger) had their baby 1 month apart, 2 years ago. I had real difficulties to accept that my little brother was going to be a dad. It took me more than a year before being able to be really happy for him. (Of course, he knows nothing about this.)

    But don't worry, you'll pass through it, and your turn will come...  

  5. I can empathize.  My heart always breaks a bit when I see a pregnant woman.  Because of this, and because ttc can be so emotionally trying, my husband and I haven't told anyone about it. In fact, we want to wait until we're about four months into a pregnancy before we break the news.  I just don't think I could withstand the scrutiny right now if everyone knew. Is anyone else like this -- wanting to keep ttc a secret?  

  6. i know how you feel like I said once I will say it again don't give up and I know it is hard not to thnk about it I try my best to let it go also so maybe one day I will be late and not be looking for that to happen heres some dust and get some of that baby dust for us all when you are up to it  

  7. awwww sweetie

    i know how it feels when ur friends and family tell u they are pregnant and when all u want is to have the same joy.

    when i found out my friend was pregnant i cried i mean i was happy for her but it just sucks because she wasnt even trying and it happend.

    so i guess im learning to try not to stress about it

    and before we know it..we will have the same joy as they are having if anything it will be more of a happy thing because we have waited so long...

  8. awww hun I feel for you :( It must be so hard.

    Sending lots of baby dust your way

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