
My two bestfriends are leaving me out help?

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Ok, I have two really good friends, Michael and Beth. Well sens Beth moved closer to Michael and I, her and Michael been hanging out ALOT! And when they hang out they never ask me to join. But when its just Beth and I, I always ask Michael if he wants to tag along! I feel jealous I don't know why! I told Michael I never wanted to hang out with him along time ago because he was acting really weird when I was around him, but I told him I was joking. But this past week has been really hard on me, my granny past away and when I told Beth over the phone she said she will come over but she never did then later that day when I was driving home I saw her and michael I was so pissed! I don't know whats going on with them I tried talking to Beth but she just says "Michael an me never get time alone. I'm always with you."

But I have not hung out with her seens last tuesday! Because shes been with Michael! What do I do??




  1. Did you ask her if she and this Michael are going out?

    that's what it sounds like to me. Just ask her whats up. Ask her why she said that she was coming over and then you see her hanging out with your other friend.

    Hope I can help.

  2. maybe they are going out?? but i felt like that with my 2 best friends 2 and wen i opened my mouth and told them how i became a war... and i lost one of them and almost lost the was like a depressing part of my summer... why dont u try talking to them both and ask them wats up and why u guys are leaving me out..but dont be mean about like these past week..i have been noticing that u guys have been spending so much time together and u guys like dont bother to invite me... and make sure they know that u dont mean anything to be mean but ur just curious

  3. Hey since i have a similar question ill try my best to answer yours. Now i think you should just turn around and make new friends. If your friends are leaving you out that means they are up righting jerks and are definately not good friends. I think you should go and make new friends at school. Hope i helped =).

  4. talk to them and tell them how you feel. no sense in being angry about it because they DONT KNOW you are angry.

    i would tell them straight out and see what happens. if they are really your friends, they would tell you they are sorry and fix it..if not, you made the wrong friends.


  5. I am so sorry about your hurt feelings.  That is a very upsetting situation.  I do see a bigger picture here tho.  While you and Michael are clearly best of buds as are you and Beth.  I am thinking that Michael and Beth might see one another differently.  They may be a couple budding into a romance.  I would stay friends with both of them.  I am sure they really don't know they are hurting you.  Give them space and find some new friends that can put you in a first place spot.  

  6. I am so sorry to hear this, I understand this must be very hurtful to you but sounds to me as if you friends are now a romantic couple. This might be hard to accept but aÌ s such they need and want to be with each other very much at all times (if they are the needy type) but how your friends are neglecting you and in a way pushing you out of your lives says nothing about you, but rather about their own character, sense of friendship and loyalty (or lack of it thereof). There is nothing much you can do about them (you could let them know how hurtful their actions have being, but this may or may not change how they are acting). Your responsibility is towards you, to  treat yourself with the dignity and love that you deserve and they neglect to give you, with time you shall be surrounded with friends that appreciate you better and are always happy to see you and glad when you come.

    Good luck, forgive your friends and let Karma do it's thing, but move on. You deserve better.



  7. why are you even wanting to hang out with these LOSERS. they are treating you like c**p. quit whining about it and get a freind who will appreciate you. I dont mean to be mean or gruff but these people are dweebs

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