
My two children are left-handed and so am i. is it genetics? my wife is right-handed.?

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South paws




  1. No, it is just that when you and your kids were little, people kept putting your spoon/fork or what ever in the left hand With the next kid try putting those thing in his or her right hand until they get the point to use the right not the left.

  2. It does appear to be genetic (see reference below), but I would say that if it is attached to the X chromosome, it would be random.  As an example, we have colour blindness in our family, but the only one in our generation is one of my brothers.  None of our children have it.  Colour blindness is genetic and requires a boy to have the X chromosome passed on from the mother, while a colour-blind girl needs to have an X chromosome from each parent.  Whether a person receives that chromosome from a parent is a 1 in 4 chance.

  3. Yes it is..I have one left hand child and I am left handed

  4. Whether there is a genetic reason for handedness is a contentious subject. It certainly seems to be true that left-handedness runs in families, although not in any predictable way. Various researchers have looked at groups of families and tried to work out the probabilities of left and right-handed parent combinations having left-handed children, but they all come up with different figures.

    A Club ( Left Handers) have undertaken a survey that asks for child and parent handedness and we have analysed that as well as modelling the overall population under various assumptions to see if population numbers and levels of left-handedness should stay constant over time. Surprise, surprise, they have come up with more different numbers!

    Left Facts

    About 1 in 10 people are left-handed.

    Approximately 26% of children from two left-handed parents will be left-handed.

    Only around 9% children from two right-handed parents will be left-handed.

    Where the parents have mixed handedness, the mother's handedness will have most influence on that of the children, so a left-handed mother and right-handed father should have more left-handed children than the other way round.

    Based on these same figures, nearly 75% of children of two left-handed parents will still be RIGHT-handed.

    To put it another way, only 2% of left-handed children will have TWO LEFT-handed parents.


  5. Strange. My parents are right handed but my brother and I are left handed. I don't know if it's genetics.

  6. No not really...The wife is left handed and I am left handed both of the kids are right, That's like my mom and dad are right handed


    I can't find the interesting article where scientists discovered that stone age people had more lefties then from analysis of the rock art about columbus's time it was 50%50% and now right hand dominates. Also a higher % of lefties are either gifted or learning disabled. (take your pick!)

  8. Not sure, but I am left handed, my ex-husband is right handed.  My 3 kids are all right handed.......just wanted one that was like me~.  But that's ok......*S*

  9. Yes. Right handedness is dominant over left handedness. that's why most people are right handed.

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