
My two month old baby has trush..she is taking nitastin.. it hasnt helped and she has had it for 2 weeks!

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she has had it for two weeks..and still nothing..! what can i do? any home remidies adviasable?? pls let me know




  1. I second the probiotcs suggestion.  Those good bacteria will help keep the yeast population under control.

  2. Grapefruit seed extract is the only thing that finally worked for us, and we had been passing it back and forth for over a month. The nystatin never did any good for us either. GSE also has tons of other uses, so dont feel like you will be wasting any you dont use it all for the thrush- which you probably wont. The bottle of liquid drops worked best for us, although they do make pills which may be better for you, if you have it too, because the liquid doesn't taste that great.  

  3. Grapefruit seed extract and probiotics.


  4. If you are breast feeding your nipples may also be infected. You will also need to be treated for a yeast infection.

  5. my 3 week old started getting thrush 3 days ago, as soon as i noticed it i brought her to the doctor and got mycostatin drops, its almost cleared up now. my doctor told me to bring her back if it doesnt clear within a week, so maybe you should bring her back to the doctor?

    if your breastfeeding you need to treat it too

  6. use gentian violet you can get it behind the pharmacy counter at  most drug stores including walmart for about 3$ for a 1 oz bottle 1 oz has lasted me for the past 13months.

    use solution by applying to your nipple(with a q-tip) prior to a feeding twice daily for only 3 days, do not use for more than 3 days...The only down fall to the gentian violet is that it will stain anything it comes into contact with. the only thing i found to take it off my daughters face was a baby wipe.

    bt...if you ask me, 3 days of gentian violet is also uch better than the nystatin at least 4 times a day for 2 weeks longer than the last symptom.

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