
My two year old ( a few months shy of three) drew a face while coloring. Is this a normal two year old thing?

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It was just a circle with two eyes, a mouth and a nose. But I asked her what each part was and she told me. I was so amazed. I was just wondering if most kids this age can do that or if it is surprising.




  1. yea some kids pick it up real quick. and others dont. my son was drawing trees...apples..cookies...hearts..when he was almost two. i mean they werent like masterpeices lol...but they looked like what they were. he was so proud. and so was i. i draw with him all the time. but his cuz had trouble drawing shapes.... so keep it up she maybe the next big artist! :)

  2. it actually is amazing. there are very few 2 year olds who can do that.

  3. While most children will name what they're drawing for you (even if it doesn't look like what they're saying to you) for it to actually look like it is pretty good! I'm not sure if it's because she's almost three.... but I mean, my son is 2, almost 2 1/2, and he loves drawing with pencil crayons, and he'll draw things and name them sometimes - a star, numbers, shapes, and one time a face that looked like a head with a nose and hair.... so maybe it's just part of getting older! Definitely continue to encourage her artistic side if it seems really prominent! If you are REALLY serious about her following down a path of art and seeing if it's a gift for her, you could look into a Montessori school, where they encourage children to follow their passions, and that's what they use to teach them.

  4. Yes, I would say thats normal. All 3 of my children could do that before age 3, but of course the detail was different for each. But as someone else mentioned, it is something to be proud of- any skills that our little ones master is reason for celebration!

  5. I teach art to infants 6 mos -2 yrs ..not many people do. Let me tell you a two yr old who draws faces is not only intelligent beyond average , that kid is an artist and should be given lots of art mediums to experiment with all the time ..encourage it!

    Most and (I do mean your child is rare) children begin all drawings at that age just drawing a circle with an X in the circle..its what average kids do.

  6. Yeah I think its amazing. Some can and some can't. My oldest daughter could draw a smiley face at 1 1/2 almost 2 yrs old...although she could tell me what everything kinda looked like a potatoe with eyes and nose and mouth...none the less adoreable! So yeah its amazing because not all 2 yr olds can draw a face

  7. It's normal like some of the other my son was able to pick up drawing very easily. At two he was able to draw animals, fruit, shapes and our family portrait. By three he was able to draw a whole picture with a concept. And he will be four in October and is able to write out the alphabet. We always try to encourage what he likes to do, and you'll be surprised how much the can accomplish  if you just work with them  for a few minutes a day.

  8. Yeah. very normal but still an accomplishment and a milestone so be proud.


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