
My two year old is in the no stage how can i stop that?

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My two year old is in the no stage how can i stop that?




  1. You can't.  He is demonstrating and exerting his independence.  You have to be sure that he knows you are mommy.  He can say no all he wants, but you make the final decision.  You also have to pick your battles.  If you ask him, "Do you want to wear this today?" and he says NO.  Let him choose between 2 outfits.  It's about learning to make choices.  "Do you want a graham cracker or applesauce for your snack?'  Good luck.  It seems to last forever, but it really doesn't.  Heads up - whining is next.  (Just say you dont understand whining and miraculously they can speak clearly again)

  2. Just say the same to him.  It sorted my one pretty quickly!  And he thought I was gonna be a sucker... Yeah RIGHT...

  3. Try asking questions that can't be answered with Yes, or No, but be aware that he is going to go through a "No" stage anyway, it is part of his normal development into an autonomous individual, but asking open-ended questions takes away some of the stress!

    For example - instead of asking the little guy if he is ready for bed, say "Would you like to walk up to bed yourself or shall I carry you?"

    Or, instead of asking if he is ready for lunch say "Would you like your lunch now or later?"

    Instead of asking him to put his pyjamas on say "Would you like to wear your red pyjamas or your blue pyjamas?"

    Perhaps rather than saying that it is time for his nap, say "Which toy would you like to take to bed for your nap?"

    Good Luck!

  4. Sorry, you really can't. As much as you hate to hear it, they are just gonna have to grow out of it. :)

  5. my two year old is doing the same thing they r just starting to develop there own little personalities best thing i have found is making everything you do fun so its keeps them interested

  6. My two year old nephew is also in the no stage. But even when he means yes he still says no. Our little ones will grow out of it eventually.

    : ]

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