
My two year old makes himself throw up.......?

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My son is going to be two at the end of July. He has just started sticking his hand down his throat till he throws up! He has done this 3 times in the past two weeks. He always does it right after he finishes eating! Could this just be a new game? How can I make it stop? Thank you for any help and advice!




  1. He is probably doing it for attention my little brother used to do that at school to go home early just ignore him when he does it

  2. I think the big concern here is WHY. Do you have any idea? Did you ask?

  3. Does he like what he has just eaten or is it something that he is told he has to eat. For example; veggies, etc. I do know that children will overeat and then figure out that this is a way to relieve the 'overstuffed' feeling. Is he doing this to get attention? I would definitely talk to your pediatrician about this one.

  4. My son used to do that when he was around the same age. I dont think it was intentional, just something to do... now hes 4yrs old and doesnt do it atall. I used to get upset and worried too. If it makes you feel netter just ask his doctor about it and see if you can come up with something to help him stop, but i think he'll grow out of it. My son did.

  5. Put hot sauce on his hand and it will teach him not to do it again.

  6. oh lord,

    that reminds me of myself, quite alot actually.

    i had many new changes such as new school,

    so i would purposely make myself sick to go home with my mother.

    has he had any new changes in his life? has he become

    more distant with you or his father.

    maybe a new sibling?

  7. all of my 3 kids have done that before.  i would usually discipline them for it.  either a timeout or i would just scream at them.  it's probably better to ignore it, but i was always afraid that they would do it in public.  so, if i saw that behavior starting, i would grab my kids arm and quite, but stern say "don't you dare.  don't do it!".  I'm sure i looked like a psycho mom, but that's one thing that i will NOT put up with.  it's gross, embarrassing and not necessary.  

    kids only have control over 2 things...

    what goes in & what comes out.

    you'll see kids using this to their advantage.

  8. he might be like bolemic or something. every time he tries to stick his hand down his throught grab his arm and say no or something. try to help him break this habit

  9. You can't ASK a two-year-old why he is sticking his hand down his throat. It's not going to work.

    1. He might feel like he ate too much

    2. He might not like what he ate

    3. He might be in the phase of "discovering" things and this is something new and interesting to him

    However, behaviorism states that if someone does something that recieves a negative results (a bad taste in his mouth, feeling sick) then he will not do it again after a bit

    Give it another week and then if he is still doing it, take him to a doctor

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