
My two year old refuses to sit on the potty!!!?

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Hi Although my daughter age 2 was willing to sit on the potty a few months ago and had a few good wee wee's on the potty. Now she refuses to sit. If i try to make her sit she kicks screams, cries and tries to get up. I don't understand why this sudden behavior when just a couple of months ago she was willing. Help what should i do?




  1. A few months ago it was a fun novelty.  Now it's not fun any more.  If she's screaming and crying, forget about it.  Put the potty away until she shows more signs of interest and readiness.

  2. my daughter will be 3 in november and refuses to go in the potty. i have really tried everything and everyones advice. its all on them and when they want to.

  3. It's completely normal for toddlers to have set backs.  You may want to check out this site for some advice from other parents going through the same stuff with their kids:

  4. Maybe she had seen something on TV about a little kid being scared of getting flushed down the potty. Ask her if she's scared of getting flushed down. If she says yes, assure her that she's not going too. Rent books at the library about the potty.

  5. Perhaps she's just not ready.Try again at 3.

  6. Keep trying every once in a while. Believe me, when she is ready she will do it. My son wouldn't  have anything to do with it no matter what I did or promised until one day he just wanted to give it a go. He was 3 years old and now is 5 and has not had an accident since, not even at night.

    Just remember, you never see a child in kindergarten wearing a diaper. Just be patient with her.

  7. Throw all diapers away and she'll figure it out.  If she has diapers to fall back on, it's way too easy for her.  It's more difficult to stop what you're doing, go to the potty, and wash hands, etc.

    I had to do this with my daughter.  She's 3 and it's working wonderfully....she too refused to sit on the potty, however after letting pee run down her leg a few times, she got the hang of it and loves making pee for the potty now.

    Good Luck

  8. Stop trying to force her to use the potty! When a kid is ready to potty train, it is not meant to be that hard! It literally happens within three or four days. Stop following all the hype about "My child was trained at one and a half, why isn't yours?" That's great for those parents but the truth is it was nothing they actually did as parents, their child was just ready. Many of them like to pretend it was some magical thing they did that makes them so much better then any one else but it isn't. Focus on being okay with yourself as a mom no matter what outside influences you have to endure and, for crying out loud, work on developing love and trust between you and your daughter. In her eyes, she is wondering how more obvious does she have to be that she isn't ready for this yet. She is getting the impression that mommy doesn't listen to her signals, in turn why would she want to listen to mommy? It's okay to stop training for a couple weeks and try again then. Wanting to potty train "right now!" is perfectly normal and okay but it sounds like your daughter just isn't ready. Respect her and blow off any parent culprits that are making you feel as if you are not doing what's right for you sweet little girl.

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