
My two yr old has cavity should I choose silved filling or resin white????

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My daughter who is 2 and a half had tiny dark spot on molar. I took her to the dentist and she has four cavities which shocked me. I never did the bottle in bed or soda, I brush her twice daily. Anyway I am having trouble decided which to choose white or silver. The dentist said white on two in front bottom. But she said silver for the two cavities on bottom molars. I have read a bunch about murcery in silver and bpa in resin. And two yr old needing silver to last longer. I am totally at a loss on how to decide which to choose. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations that might help. Thanks




  1. shes only two, she wont worry about people seeing it, and she will lose it before shes get to the age when she will worry about people seeing it so i would go with sliver. :)

  2. The white fillings have come a long way in recent years. they are bonded to the tooth which actually make them last just as long as a durable silver filling. go with a resin. they look better and last just as long

  3. I'm assuming all are baby teeth.  I would go with the cheapest alternative.  Once the permanents start coming in have the dentist spray them with (something I don't know) you can check it out.  My son is 21 and hasn't had a cavity on his permanent teeth ever.  And I hardly ever see him brush his teeth.

  4. Since your child is only 21/2 , and you have NOT been taking care of his teeth, you need to do what the dentist has recommended and do it soon....

    Then get over YOUR fear, and start working on keeping your 2year olds teeth CLEAN, so they won't have the problems again, and especially in their permanent teeth....

    Just as a frame of reference babies get their first teeth between 6 and 9 months....and that means in a little over a year your baby has cavities so severe they need dental work.....get over a BETTER parent and take care of the KIDS needs...and brush their teeth daily and stop giving them coke and fruit juice in a bottle and at bedtime or sugar snacks.....

    Those baby teeth are important and are supposed to last until they are lost (between ages 6-14) age 2 is wayyy to young to be starting problems like this....

    You are responsible for this....make sure it doesn't happen again.

    BTW:  Silver fillings have been in use for over 100 years....and have a proven safe record.....the white fillings do not have that kind of what is recomended and just get it done...and make sure it doesn't happen again...

    You are the can't blame the kid for this....brush their teeth and monitor what YOU feed them.

  5. Talk to your dentist about glass ionomer cement. It lasts long enough and releases flouride which make subsequent decay in the area less likely.

  6. Well I personally like the white because you can't tell that there is a filling there but......the silver ones last longer.  

  7. Since they are baby teeth and she's going to lose them anyway I would opt for the silver because white fillings are really cosmetic.

  8. I'd go with the white resin. I've had this used in my teeth and you can't tell it's there.  I've never had the fillings come out either and it's been YEARS.  Yes, the silver will last longer, but she's going to loose the teeth anyway some day.I know I wouldn't want to look into my toddlers mouth and see silver.  Personal preference.  Good luck choosing. Sorry you have to deal with cavities at such a young age. That just stinks!

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