
My uncle has been lock up for a crime he did not commit. help

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my uncle has been put in jail for 12 years now for a crime he did not comment, there was no evidence leading to him, and he is still not charge with anything. he has a solid alibi, yes no new evidence is found for the crime., but for what. he didn't comment one. so please let me know what i can do, to help him get out? and we don't have the kind of money.




  1. are you sure it wasnt him  

  2. There had to be some kind of evidence and he would have to have been charged with something or they wouldn't have locked him up.  You can't get him out unless you have a really good attorney.

  3. From a lawyer.  In this country we do not put anyone in jail without evidence.  If he has been in jail already for 12 years he either pled guilty or was found guilty by judge and jury.  Don't drive yourself crazy with these thoughts.  You have it wrong.  Get your facts straight.  Go down to the courthouse and get them to pull his file, it's public record.  You can read exactly what happened.

  4. If the victim said it wasn't him, then the public defender has the duty to request a new trial.  Appeal.  If the public defender does not do this, you may contact the states bar association and request to speak to the person who oversees public defenders.  State to them that the local public defender is not doing their job.  Give them the facts of the case and the result.  Also, you may contact the ACLU.  They help in wrongful arrests.  They might be able to steer you somewhere.

  5. there must be sum sort of evidence which showed that he did the crime they dont put ppl away if they dnt ave any evidence they cnt do dat

    i think u have 2 cme 2 the reality that he has done it. im soz 2 say that

    Ask for a re-trial or summat like that  

  6. welcome to our justice system. we rather let hundreds of guilty go free than let 1 innocent man go to jail. too bad we still get innocent men in jail and hundreds of guilty go free still. oh and i dont think he's going to jail. he's going to prison. you cant be in jail more than 1 year. any time after that they get sent to prison

  7. Innocent people are jailed for crimes that they did not commit, quite often. I used to belong to a group in my town that helps the innocent, although they folded up, due to funding.  I don't know what state you are from, but check online for a group that works pro bono for freeing the innocent. There were at one time different groups that help the innocent. Put "help for innocent inmates" in your search engine and see if that helps.

  8. He will be given an attorney.  If your uncle has yet to comment, I don't understand how he has been put in jail for 12 years?? If he has already been sentenced, I'm sure the judge has already heard his alibi.  I'm sure there is another attorney or lawyer of some sort who knows the truth, of who really comitted the crime, but can not say anything until his client has died.  This happens all the time, and it very sad.

  9. save money for a really good lawyer... I've been there and my lawyer saved my ***.. thats all i gotta say...sorry for the luck and good luck!!!

  10. Go to the courthouse and get a copy of the transcripts.  Send a copy to the DA.  Call the DA daily and keep on him.  Send another copy to the governor, he can pardon him.  Go to the Newspapers and the press.  Send them a copy too.  If an injustice was done, there are a lot of people willing to help you protest.  Try google and see if you can locate a site that does this.  You could also try a college for law students.  They are the best for this since they are new, charged, and willing to go the extra mile.  It's also good for their resumes too.

  11. mmmmmmmm what can we do to help u? can i be u friend?

  12. Where are you located?  A lot depends on that.  If you live in the United States, look up the Justice Project on Google they will take such cases, many times.

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