
My uncle wants ajob. can you help him to get a job? if you know the salary please write it?

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My uncle wants ajob. can you help him to get a job? if you know the salary please write it?




  1. I advise looking thru the 'Help Wanted' section of his local newspaper. That's a pretty good place to get a lead on available employment opportunities.

  2. ok where you do live? Im live in california  I know a place where are getting people starting @ 12.25

  3. Try to search on

    These are better job search in India.

  4. That's a vague question but I know your trying for him. Best answer I can recommend is for him to get a job asap, and seek and pray for the dream job in which he would be a specialist at.

  5. Hey, I would advise you to encourage him to go to the unemployment office, temp. agencies, look through the want ads. I believe that it will workout for the good!!

  6. Try searching the "help wanted" ads. He's not going to find a job on the Yahoo Answers page, especially with a resumé like that...

  7. Try looking:

  8. its nice that u care about ur uncle..

    i  don't know where r u from .. then how can  i tell u

  9. He should try looking on

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