
My uncles wife is pregnant with my baby, should I tell him I'm so scared and I don't know what to do?

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My uncles wife is pregnant with my baby, should I tell him I'm so scared and I don't know what to do?




  1. the longer you keep quiet the more hurt your uncle will be, and i think he's had enough. come clean. the baby may not be your's or for that matter may not be your uncles either.

  2. I don't get the question. How is being scared related to his wife expecting?

  3. You won't be sure without a DNA test..

    was your Uncle gone the entire year,you just living a lie, or deep into your imagination?

  4. Give her a certain set time to tell him, if she doesn't do it within that time limit tell her YOU will tell.  It should come from her however since she IS his wife.  Good luck, you sure got yourself in a doozy here!

  5. i think that he is afraid to tell his uncle that he knocked up his wife.

    and yes, i would be scared to tell him too, but it is the only right thing to do.

  6. I say YES big time wtf were you thinking you you irrispnsible person you. and if he request a DNA test you do it because you can't live like that

  7. you slept with your aunt? what were you thinking? do you know that you messed up his life forever! you do need to tell him, and ask God and your Uncle for forgiveness

  8. No I would keep that to myself, think about relocating to another country, join the military, get out of town.

  9. oh thats sounds like a jerry springer situation





    AND VERY BAD 2  

  11. what about that baby. Just think...

    Do you want to know your son or daughter as yours?

    Do you want your son or daughter to know you as a cousin?

    Do you want your uncle to know your son or daughter as his son or daughter?

    I mean if it were my baby I would want he/she to grow up knowing me as his/her father. "I am a girl so for me it would be mother but you know what I mean"

    I guess the real question is do you want to take responsibility for your child?

    In my opinion I would say something. But I don't know, you are in a tough situation man!

    Good Luck and I believe Congratulations are in order as well!

  12. Are you sure it's yours and not the uncle and were you scared when you went to bed with your aunt (by marriage I presume)? I'll wait and take a paternity test and go from there. If it is yours, I think you should man up and lay your cards on the table. That's what real men do, right?

  13. well don't have HIM be the first person you talk to.

    get a group of family and friends behind you to direct you, because THEY know you, your uncle, and his wife.

    then think about WHAT you are afraid of.

    telling him? or the concequences? or for his wife?

  14. Your aunt is pregnant with your baby?

    That's crazy.

    How do you know it is yours, anyway?

  15. don't say anything.. you and your uncle's wife need to get together and agree to keep that a secret.. or bring him on springer so we can all see how it goes

  16. I think that you and the wife should tell him together..

  17. why cant you make it sound possible, this sounds like you want attention in

  18. wow. im nervous for you if you beleive that tell your uncle is the right thing, have the wife come with you, maybe you can resolve the conflict together. hopefully he will understand. that is very difficult thing to handel and im so sorry that is your burden to bare. if you keep it secret, some part of you will always know the child is yours.  

  19. shoot! um i wouldnt open my mouth however the truth has ways of cumming out e.g the baby looks like you alot! you could try writing a letter. id talk to the wife and think what she wants to do so your both on the same page. and dont ever get whd a married woman again. this is your lesson in karma. listen to it!

  20. Definitely tell him that's an awkward situation  

  21. First of all does she know?

  22. Well, if you do tell him, it will cause a big family blow up. Why would you sleep with your aunt? He will probably figure out that the child is not his eventually. He may not know who the actual father is, but he will find out. You could send him a letter, but don't sign it.  

  23. oh dear god...

    ok NO. u don't tell him. ur parents will absolutely flip out and ull break apart a family...

    look at it this way: her sin is that she slept with u. ur sin is that u were weak...u know what u did was wrong , i hope...

    so what i think u shud do is just not tell anyone, keep it between u and ur aunt, make sure u never end up in bed with her again and try to be a big part of the baby's life...

    best of luck :s

  24. go on the jerry springer show.

  25. He's gunna have to find out either way. Might as well tell him now. Sorry, but once you do it you get the consequences. You shouldn't be having s*x with your uncle's wife anyways. /:

    Good luck. D:

  26. Mums the word, what good will it do and at this point you really can't be sure that it is your child.

  27. so is it neice/daughter or nephew/son??

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